7 Ways You Can Use A Personal Loan This Summer
Summer can be super-expensive. Before you start swiping the plastic for it all, consider a personal loan from Family Trust Federal Credit Union. The application process is quick and you don’t need flawless credit to get a good rate.
Here are several ways to help you responsibly use a personal loan this summer.
Getting married
If you’re tying the knot this summer, consider taking out a personal loan. Use it to fund larger wedding expenses, like your ring, wedding dress and venue, or to cover the smaller costs like the flowers and photographer.
Funding a move
With the kids out of school, summer can be an ideal time for household moves, but moving costs can be prohibitive. Taking out a personal loan to help cover the costs can make your household move a lot less stressful.
Consolidating debt
Paying multiple loans and credit card bills each month can be challenging. Plus, you might feel like you’re not making headway on your debt thanks to high interest rates. A personal loan could help simplify your finances with one low-interest debt to pay down.
Funding a dream vacation
Are you dreaming of a luxury summer vacation like a trip abroad, but you don’t have the money to pay for it? It can still happen with the help of a personal loan. You’ll have a payment plan you can afford, and you’ll finally be free to enjoy the getaway you’ve been dreaming of for years.
Purchasing school supplies
School supplies are a necessity every year, but that doesn't mean you have it included in your budget. Or maybe you totally forgot about school supplies and the school year snuck up on you. A personal loan can take away any anxiety when it comes to last minute shopping.
Renovating your home
Whether you want to give your kitchen a makeover or turn your garage into a guest suite this summer, a personal loan can make it possible. This is especially true if you don’t have much equity in your home and would not be a good candidate for ahome equity loan.
Funding medical expenses
If there are medical procedures you’ve been pushing off because your health insurance plan does not cover them, consider a personal loan for getting it done this summer.
If you can use a personal loan, use the mobile app or our website get started on your loan application. We’re always here to turn your dreams into reality!